112 App
Mobile friendly website design

Mobile friendly website for 112

Saving lives with 112.be


112, the life-saving emergency number throughout Europe, is a critical communication link for individuals in distress. The service is not only free but also staffed by highly trained operators capable of dispatching necessary assistance regardless of the situation. In the European Union, each country bears the responsibility of educating its citizens about this emergency number. In this context, the Belgian Federal Public Service for Internal Affairs sought to redesign the Belgian 112 website, an initiative aimed at improving public accessibility and knowledge of emergency services.

Saving lives with 112.be


112, the life-saving emergency number throughout Europe, is a critical communication link for individuals in distress. The service is not only free but also staffed by highly trained operators capable of dispatching necessary assistance regardless of the situation. In the European Union, each country bears the responsibility of educating its citizens about this emergency number. In this context, the Belgian Federal Public Service for Internal Affairs sought to redesign the Belgian 112 website, an initiative aimed at improving public accessibility and knowledge of emergency services.

Client's challenge

The project's core challenge was to design a new, mobile-friendly website that effectively met both the business and user needs. This entailed creating a platform that quickly and clearly answered any visitor's queries. A crucial aspect of this project was to promote the 112 mobile app, a tool offering significant advantages to both users and emergency services. The website needed to be intuitive, informative, and capable of driving app downloads while serving a diverse audience, including emergency service personnel, educators, and the general public.

The solution

Our approach began with a comprehensive workshop to align the business and user needs, followed by an analysis of existing website data through Google Analytics. We utilized Hotjar for top task analysis and heatmaps, providing valuable insights into user interactions and preferences. The redesign focused on streamlining the information architecture, ensuring the site addressed key user queries, particularly regarding emergency contact methods and mobile app accessibility. We discovered a diverse range of visitors, from teachers seeking educational materials to differently-abled people looking for contact alternatives, which we incorporated into our design considerations.

The result

The result of this project was a well-defined and user-validated wireframe for both desktop and mobile platforms, leading to a visually appealing and functional design. The new 112.be website features a clear, intuitive information architecture that successfully caters to a broad audience. It has notably improved the visibility of the mobile app, addressing previous issues where call-to-action elements were obscured. The redesign has significantly enhanced user experience and accessibility, making vital emergency information and resources more readily available to the Belgian public.

The partners

InspireHealth partner Humix played an instrumental role in the collaboration with the Directorate-General Civil Security. Their expertise in user experience and web design was pivotal in tailoring the website to the specific needs of Directorate 112, focusing on smartphone compatibility and user engagement. The successful partnership between Humix and the Directorate-General Civil Security highlights the importance of specialized skills in creating user-centric digital solutions in the public sector. See also Saving lives with 112.be.

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